Stop Taking on the Responsibilities of Others

Stop Taking on the Responsibilities of Others

Hey Queens!

This is a quick video I posted on social media about how other people’s perception of you is not your responsibility. As women, we get labeled as intimidating, bossy, a bitch, ice queen and hard to handle when we don’t conform to what others deem as acceptable behavior (read: submissive, seen but not heard).

I find it quite hilarious actually when I am called intimidating. Why? Because honestly, I’m not. At all. I don’t want to constantly be in my masculine energy. I love being soft and feminine. I am capable of submitting. But I’m not going to show that side to just anyone. That requires trust, communication and connection to me on a deep level. I’m not going to be submissive to someone that just called me bossy or high maintenance. I mean really, why would I?

I believe the reason why some find me intimidating is due to the fact that I will not allow them to treat me as they wish. I set the terms and boundaries for how I want to be treated. I know what I want. I know what I’m worth. I know that I am worthy of respect.

Now don’t get me wrong, when some people say you are intimidating they mean it as strong or a force to be reckoned with. They genuinely mean it as a compliment. I get that. This is where context plays a huge role. If I’m called intimidating after I call someone out on a sexist comment for example, then it is not a compliment. Me calling them out didn’t conform to their need for validation of the offensive comment so they label me as one of those women. Sometimes you just have to shrug and say “whatever gets you through the day”.

Anyway, I hope you enjoy the video. Please leave a comment letting me know if you’ve been labeled as difficult, intimidating, bossy, etc. How did you respond?

Be unapologetically you,

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